Monastics and laypeople dedicated to volunteering...


In 1981, Lama Sangyay Tendzin presented to His Eminence Kenting Tai Situpa the creation project of DRA TAGPA RITRU, a Buddhist centre dedicated to the practice of Dharma.

The name chosen means "The Retreat Centre with Permanent Sound ", designating a secluded place with constant mantra recitation.

Today, the DRA TAGPA RITRU Association hosts a dozen volunteer residents. All of them involved in the daily practice of the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism in the Karma Kamtshang lineage while dedicating their time to the practice of Karma Yoga. Several amenities have been built over the past 20 years.

Gradually,DAR TAGPA RITRU Association has been set to welcome and support the non-religious activities of the TNG Centre whose religious activities are placed under the aegis of the Association 1905 THEG-CHOG NORBU LING.

The Centre is now ready to organise large events to welcome the great masters of the lineage.